
Kranj School Centre for Technical Sciences is a school with a long tradition. In 2016 our school celebrated the 70th anniversary of its foundation.

The Slovene Ministry of Industry founded the Mechanical Factory in Kranj in 1946, and in March of the same year, the Factory took the name of ISKRA. In 1951, a school with the capacity for 300 pupils was built in the close vicinity of the factory, as demands for professionals were constantly on the rise year in year out.

The Kranj School Centre was formed by the merge of Technical School Centre Kranj and The Economy and Service School Centre of Kranj, while the former High School of Economics came out as a separate school. Thus, The School Centre continues and combines the rich tradition of secondary education schools of Kranj.

In all units, educational work takes place in modern lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories and workshops. All employees are committed to act in the spirit of user-friendly educational institutions. The School Centre has signed agreements with more than 300 companies and organizations where pupils and students can perform practical training. Throughout history, adult education has been carried out in parallel with the regular education of young students. Content and programs have been bound to the programs of regular education and skills needed in the companies of the region.

The Centre, however, is not just about studying. It also offers many opportunities to get involved in a wide range of activities in addition to those linked with our main teaching programmes. These include sports, outdoor activities, or various short courses such as foreign languages or IT.

Our students also participate in national competitions and have won awards in many different fields, which include various regional and national competitions, awards for various projects and research work, and the Slovenian Literature Award. Regional research work competitions are organised by the school centre every year.



V Kranju je Ministrstvo za industrijo Slovenije v letu 1946 ustanovilo Strojno tovarno, ki se je že marca 1946 preimenovala v ISKRO. Ob tovarni je bila leta 1951 zgrajena šola za 300 učencev. Potrebe po strokovnih kadrih so iz leta v leto naraščale.

Šolski center Kranj je nastal z združitvijo Tehniškega šolskega centra Kranj in Ekonomsko-storitvenega izobraževalnega centra Kranj, iz katerega se je izločila Ekonomska gimnazija. Tako Šolski center nadaljuje in združuje bogato tradicijo srednjega izobraževanja kranjskih šol.

Na vseh enotah centra izobraževalno delo poteka v sodobnih predavalnicah, učilnicah, laboratorijih in delavnicah. Vsi zaposleni si prizadevajo, da bi delovali v duhu uporabniku prijazne izobraževalne ustanove. Zavod ima sklenjena dogovore s preko 300 podjetji in organizacijami, kjer dijaki in študenti lahko opravljajo praktično usposabljanje. V celotni zgodovini se je vzporedno z rednim izvajalo tudi izobraževanje odraslih. Vsebine in programi so bili vezani na programe rednega izobraževanja in potreb po strokovnem znanju v gorenjskih podjetjih.

Za vse programe, ki jih izvajata Srednja šola za elektrotehniko in računalništvo ter Srednja ekonomska, storitvena in gradbena šola, je organizirano tudi izobraževanje odraslih. Na Šolskem centru Kranj ustvarjamo in prenašamo znanje, ki našim dijakom in študentom omogoča uspešno vključevanje v globalno okolje.

Our work

Slovenia: Project - Smart flower
Slovenia: Project Update - Smart flower
Slovenia: Project - Badge